CED Coating Plants
We are Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of CED Coating Plants and our setup is situated in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Cathodic Electro-deposition ( CED ) is Water Based primer coating & mostly used in automotive paint shop.
In this process, charged particles from the paint emulsion move to Cathode under electrical forces. The direct current established through the `bath makes the pigment and resin base of the paint attract towards the component surfaces.
It can be done by
• Combination of dip and spray
• Batch Type ( Dip Tanks )
• Continuous Conveyorised
Reach of paint at every corner of component having intrinsic shape.
Un-deposited material is rinsed. Ultra-filtrate ( UF ) equipment’s are used for ED paint ingredients separation of those not forming film and recovery of Paints.
Deposited film after baking becomes hard.

CED Painting has following Mentioned Process

- Fully automatic operation requires less human efforts, film thickness can be controlled.
- Uniform coating
- Better coverage in interior / complex surfaces & sharp corners
- There is no Runs, Sags or Solvent boils
- Better corrosion resistance, & @ 100 % utilization of paint therefore cost effective
- As coating is done using aqueous process which has less risk of fire in comparison to solvent coatings, Better in anti-pollution, safety, health hazards.
- The surface salt spray resistance lasts for more than 1200 hours